two_handfuls 5 hours ago

One point of feedback: it's not clear from the webpage what happens if you put a todo on Monday and then don't do it.

Will it still be in your list of to-dos on Tuesday? Will it have vanished?

  • danielkrajka 5 hours ago

    thanks for the feedback - I agree, I should explain better how the app works. Right now it shows up on the next days with an "overdue" label

enagymo 6 hours ago

Nice idea, do you plan to add any filters/tags? So I can add categories like "Personal" / "Work" and easily switch between them

  • danielkrajka 5 hours ago

    yeah, I plan to add a bunch of features once the app is available in Google Playstore. Some of the ideas: - filtering / searching - assigning TODOs to projects (tags) so you can group them - e2e encrypted data backup for some small monthly subscription (so you don't lose data)

    later on, if there's enough demand, I plan to create iOS and web versions

gregnavis 12 hours ago

Reminds me of calendar integration in Things 3.

danielkrajka a day ago

Hi all, just wanted to share wat I'm working on, any feedback appreciated

uticus 17 hours ago

Love the idea